
The Weekly Client Update Call

Weekly Client Update Call

If you are like us, you have a ton of weekly client update calls. We think it makes sense to have a process for preparing and running these calls, and we don’t mind sharing:

  1. Make Weekly Client Update Calls a priority in your schedule, always attend, and never cancel (This is the one opportunity a week you are guaranteed to speak with the client and build “friends of the firm”)
  2. It is OK to be yourself on these calls — share, laugh, be human!
  3. The players
    • AM/PM will run the call
    • If AM/PM not available, Senior Prospector will run the call
    • Support Lead should always be on update call to manage any data, email, and reporting questions
    • Prospectors are the most important member of this group because they have direct prospect interactions
  4. Always be prepared
    • Spend a few minutes on the Weekly Update Report before the call
    • Always double check your data to make sure it is correct
    • Prospectors need to know your opportunities – be prepared to talk intelligently about your sets, attends, and reschedules
    • Before the meeting, write down any questions or concerns you have for the client, and make sure you share these with your AM and PM prior to the call
  5. Call etiquette
    • Use your actual name (first last) on web conferences – no nicknames, first or last name only, etc.
    • Announce yourself and exchange pleasantries every time
    • Speak clearly and 10-20% louder than normal
    • Smile when you speak
    • If video conference, turn camera on if one or more of your client teammate(s) has their camera on, regardless if others do not
    • Listen to the call and be ready for input, do not multitask
    • Try not to interrupt, be proactive in the conversation
  6. Agenda
    • Go through the dashboard first, then dive into the details
    • Go through attends next, then sets, in time/date order, or group sales reps and prospectors
    • Support Leads must capture client notes, so attends are updated with current client feedback
    • Make a big deal of leads that are moving forward, remember, we are in the revenue growth business
    • Ask the client if they have any questions or concerns before terminating call
    • Watch the time, meetings should never go too long, but you do want them to be valuable for client, so too short is not good
  7. Know your numbers
    • Prospectors should know how many calls you have made, and Support Leads should know how many calls the team has made
    • Same for emails, LinkedIn connections and InMails, sets, attends, reschedules, and cancels
  8. Be willing to share direct prospect feedback
    • Why are prospects saying yes?  Why no?
    • What are prospects sharing about the client, their offering, their collateral, and your communications?
    • What changes would you suggest for the program given the prospect feedback?
    • Talk through substantive conversations that provide provocative or interesting details
  9. Wrap it up
    • Always end on a positive note
    • Remind everyone how hard you are working
    • Celebrate successes and thank the client
    • Deliver on any promises made quickly and effectively

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